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Here are some links to more creative sites by my good friends...

Sonya Paz Fine Art - I got to know Sonya Paz while we were working at Adobe Systems. She is a driven artist who is incredible at marketing and selling her work. Her energy is infectious and the endless variety of colorful elements she includes in her work creates a vast visual language that is astounding.

Jean Shields - Jean doesn't have a site, but she wrote a wonderful novel titled "Air Burial" I really enjoyed. It is available from Amazon. I worked with Jean at OpenGrid, a dot com that followed the script perfectly of so many hi-tech companies that road the bubble till it burst... and I have the useless stock options to prove it.

Liza Lambertini - Liza's an artist & writer. A bit-o-fairy magic & perhaps Dr.Dolittle. Which is a part of what inspires her as an artist. Inner Beauty in all living beings.
Liza Lambertini

Termeshere Gallery - If you want to learn about perspective, Dick Termes is the guy! He has evolved perspective from the traditional one and two-point perspective that's been around since the Renaissance to four, five and SIX-point perspective. With six-point perspective grids, you can draw EVERYTHING around you! Check out his perspective book, too. It's a short book that is packed with information on every perspective system and includes blank grids you can use to create more sophisticated drawings.

Dick Termes and myself at his gallery in Spearfish, South Dakota, 2003.


Art Paintings Gallery Arts-fine.co.uk

Arts-fine.co.uk Online Art Gallery. High quality paintings, from selected professional artists.

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